My name is Bridget. I am from the foggy coast of Northern California. I have been drawn to textiles from a young age. I grew up traveling frequently with a parent who worked in the airline industry. I learned about diverse cultures, developed an insatiable curiosity, and studied Anthropology.

I love creating patterns with unique color palettes. I draw, paint, and work on the computer. I also love natural dyeing, textile collaging, weaving, knitwear, and embroidery.

In 2019 I graduated from the Savannah College of Art + Design with a Masters in Fibers. My work in grad school involved several collections attributed to uniquely Californian modern design.

Summer 2024 in Scandinavia

At the end of June 2024, I took the journey had been looking forward to all year! I participated in a workshop hosted by The Tour Studio at a magical place on the island of Öland. The 5-day workshop took place at Capellägarden - a renowned craft school founded by furniture designer Carl Malmsten.

The workshop included extracting linen fiber from dried linen plants, hand-spinning the fibers, natural-dyeing the skeins, and weaving with our linen!

While spinning was a whole new area of expertise for me, I got the hang of it and created beautiful, hand-spun linen yarn! It was so fun exercising my natural dye and weaving skills, two things I aim to make part of my regular practice going forward.

With textiles professor Berit, who has a 20yr career at the school.

Hand-spinning linen

The natural dye garden


Our naturally dyed skeins

The grounds at Capellagarden

HUME Show 2024 Venice, CA

On May 28 2024, I participated in a group show at HUME - “a space to breathe” - which is a wellness club and gym opening up in Venice, CA in Fall 2024.

The show included seven artisans, myself included: Chad Hagerman (Wood sculptor), Fabrice Guyont (Perfumer), Louise Martens (Ceramicist), Martin Meunier (Fabricator), Max Ville (Sound Designer), Tommy Musca (Concrete Artist) - who all worked on aspects of the HUME space.

The one-night-only exhibition celebrated a first look at the space, inviting members and patrons of the project to view the art from all of the artisans.

My contributions included two large-scale paper installations, one hand-printed fabric piece, and two fabric installations.

House of Bloom 2024 Denver, CO

From May 31st - June 1st, I had the privilege of participating in a group show curated by Ariana Hoch Barnstable in Denver, CO at The Banshee House. The exhibition, featuring 8 talented women artists, focused on themes of western botanical femininity. The sold-out, ticketed event on opening night was a hit, with an artist talk event, local DJ's, and beverage sponsors.

The excitement continued on Saturday, June 1st, as the event evolved into a bustling outdoor market with more beverage sponsors, a local tattoo artist, and various vendors. A special shoutout to Western Sensibility for their digital fabric printing, our amazing curator Ariana, The Banshee House, and Fireside at Five for coordinating such a successful weekend!

Roland DGA Feature

I was recently interviewed by Roland DGA about my collaboration with Western Sensibility, and the role of digital printing in enabling customized print-on-demand production.

Nothing in Particular Art Show 2023

On February 24, 2023 I participated in a group show with Los Angeles-based female artists Vee Sceery and Kendell Cotta, hosted by Twig Studios in Downtown LA. Titled, “Nothing in Particular,” the one-night exhibition showcased our diverse works to our collective community of artists, friends, and creatives.

Oaxaca Textile Residency

In December 2022, I was a resident at the TEXERE Textile Residency Program in Oaxaca, Mexico. While there, I had the opportunity to expand on my continued art practice as well as learn new skills. I learned how to create natural dyes from plants and wood, and then extracted the pigments from them to paint on fabric with. I also learned how to use a floor loom for weaving, and created an originally designed woven piece from naturally dyed, hand spun wool. The residency program was an amazing experience in which I created new artworks, drawings, and received a lot of inspiration that inspires me to this day.

